March to

Documentary & Video Series

'Till We're Excluded No More:
Short Documentary

A striking account of a labor movement, born out of a crisis, that achieved a historic victory for the underclass: billions in relief for excluded workers. Now, excluded workers are fighting for a safety net for all.

Produced by LMSstudios.

Spanish subtitled.

#ExcludedNoMore March to Albany:
Final Day

March 23, 2022: A massive mobilization of excluded workers marched from Rensselaer, shut down a four lane highway, and arrived at the steps of the Capitol in demand of relief and a permanent unemployment program.

Produced by LMSstudios.

#ExcludedNoMore March to Albany:

Building community. Empowering workers. Growing consciousness. Excluded workers prepared for a massive mobilization in Albany, and beyond. The fight isn’t over

Produced by LMSstudios.

#ExcludedNoMore March to Albany:

Along the march to Albany, excluded workers made roars in Kingston, NY to pressure Governor Kathy Hochul and state lawmakers to act and #FundExcludedWorkers.

Produced by LMSstudios.

#ExcludedNoMore March to Albany:
St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick’s Day, Day 3: “Their labor saved lives.” Excluded workers confront Governor Hochul to reminder her that 5,000 undocumented Irish are left behind from relief, too.

Produced by LMSstudios.

#ExcludedNoMore March to Albany:
The Bronx

On the March to Albany Day Two, excluded workers tried to meet with Assembly member Mike Benedetto, but instead were met by the police.

Produced by LMSstudios.

#ExcludedNoMore March to Albany:

Outside Gov. Kathy Hochul’s midtown office, following an occupation led by street vendors, Excluded Workers joined for a powerful rally to kick-off a march to Albany.

Produced by LMSstudios.

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